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Станислав Игоревич Зальужский (04.09.1981), московский сотрудник https://www.adeo.com — жестокий преступник, дважды избивший американского адвоката. <!--
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Stanislav Igorevich Zaluzhsky, a Moscow employee of https://www.adeo.com is a violent criminal who beat an American lawyer twice. but is protected by a corrupt police force. -->
[[Stanislav_Igorevich_Zaluzhsky#English_update| English update]]
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[[File:mug shot Stanislav Igorevich Zaluzhsky Stan Станислав Игоревич Зальужский.png|400px]]
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File:March 2021 After surgery.jpeg|  03 2021
File:leg after surgery stitches MArch 2021 stan tatiana dok tok medical.png  |  03 2021
File:ankle screws.png |  03 2021  * 2 ankle screws * 2 винта на щиколотке
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File:Stan on phone.jpeg | Станислав Игоревич Зальужский (04.09.1981)
File:Troitskaya nadejda konstantinovna.jpeg | Троицкая, Надежда Константиновна  жена  (23.10.1978)
[[File:Stan on phone.jpeg| 160px]]
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<!--  Зальужский Станислав Игоревич wife who was a witness in the illegally run trial on December 18, 2020.-->
Зальужский  Станислав Игоревич, жена, Троицкая,  Надежда Константиновна которая (23.10.1978) была свидетелем на незаконно проведенном судебном процессе 18 декабря 2020 года.
https://www.adeo.com employee.
''' Станислав Игоревич Зальужский''' (04.09.1981) проживает по адресу:
<big><big>'''Донская улица, 6c2,  kb 140 подъезд 7,<!-- 1:33--> на 6 этаже. '''</big></big>  (Stanislav Igorevich Zaluzhsky)
В воскресенье, 14 марта, я снял станислав на видео. Потом он последовал за мной. Я упал на лед, убегая от него. Затем он с улыбкой на лице заснял на видео мое падение.
Затем он схватил меня за капюшон у ворот. Пока его собака кусала меня за ноги.
Потом я убежал, хромая на одну ногу, крича по-русски, помогите, помогите.
Для станислава незаконно нагнетать конфликт физически. Я никогда его не трогал.
Я хромала на одну ногу в продуктовый магазин. Потом он вернулся и стал мне угрожать. Потом он несколько раз ударил меня военными ногами. Это было рядом с камерой. Он ударил меня ногой по пенису.
[https://rumble.com/v1scqsu-stanislav-zaluzhsky-march-14-2021-.html    Video 1]
[https://rumble.com/v1sctj6-stanislav-igorevich-zaluzhsky-.html  Video 2]
[https://rumble.com/v1scriy--after-leg-broken.html  Video 3]
''' Зальужский  станислав игоревич ''' is a resident of Донская улица, 6с2, pozed 7, on the 6th floor.
On Sunday, March 14,  I video taped станислав.  Then he followed me.  I fell down on the ice running from him. He then video taped my fall with a smile on his face. 
Then he grabbed my hood  at the gate.  While his dog bit my legs.
Then I ran away limping on one leg, yelling in Russian, help me, help me.
It is illegal for станислав  to escalate a conflict physically.  I never touched him.
I limped on one leg to the grocery store.  Then he came back and started threatening me.  Then he kicked me several times with military kicks.  This was next to a camera.  He kicked me in the penis. All on the building video.
[[File:mug shot Stanislav Igorevich Zaluzhsky Stan Станислав Игоревич Зальужский.png|400px]]
==  Зальужский станислав игоревич не является официальным переводчиком и неправильно переводил на слушаниях в полиции ==
Зальужский станислав игоревич не является официальным переводчиком и неправильно переводил на слушаниях в полиции
Зальужский станислав игоревич is not an official translator and did not translate correctly in the police hearing
== Зальужский станислав игоревич тайно помогали Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна и Марухину Михаилу Сергеевичу ==
Зальужский станислав игоревич тайно помогал Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна и Марухину Михаилу Сергеевичу в выселении американского адвоката. Он 4 раза снимается на видео ассистентами Татьяне и Мише.
Зальужский  станислав игоревич secretly assisted Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна and Марухину Михаилу Сергеевичу in evicting the American lawyer. He is videotaped 4 times assisting Татьяна and Misha.
== Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна консультирует преступник Зальужский  Станислав Игоревич ==
[[File:Assault March 14 2021 stanislav.png|600px]]
Зальужский Станислав Игоревич was a 6th floor neighbor of the American lawyer.
Click to enlarge
Donskaya 6с2  Entrance 1 - Location of second assault
Location of second assault, March 14. 2021.  Станислав kicks American lawyer, in both legs several times.  He military kicks the broken leg several times, then kicks him in the penis. This assault is caught on video, which the lawyer sees on video April 12 in the police station with officer Dima. Dima refuses to release the video. The police captain Yegor refuses to prosecute Станислав who has lived in the building for 19 years. The Gorky Park police station is on the first floor.
Mailing address: Donskaya 6с2  Entrance 1. (older picture before 2020-2021 remodeling )
[[File:Google maps location of second assault.png|600px]]
==  Коррупция полиции - Police corruption  ==
''[https://tatianagrigorieva.com/index.php/Template:%d0%9a%d0%be%d1%80%d1%80%d1%83%d0%bf%d1%86%d0%b8%d1%8f_%d0%bf%d0%be%d0%bb%d0%b8%d1%86%d0%b8%d0%b8_-_Police_corruption Коррупция полиции - Police corruption]''
== Американская юрист полностью здоров ==
Жертва насильственной Зальужский  Станислав Игоревич (https://stanislavZaluzhsky.com), Александр Владимирович Улютинов (https://alexanderulyutinov.com), Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна (https://tatianagrigorieva.com/) была определена психически здоровой Правительство РФ в декабре 2020 года.
14 марта 2021 года Зальужский  Станислав Игоревич преследовал американского адвоката. Пострадавший кричал о помощи на русском языке.  Зальужский  Станислав Игоревич рассказал соседям, американский адвокат был нездоров. Соседи ушли и позволили Зальужский  Станислав Игоревич жестоко избить американского адвоката.
Эти обвинения ложны. Даже если бы они были правдой, статистически психически больные люди в подавляющем большинстве случаев становились жертвами нападений. Не вызывать нападения.
;The American lawyer is healthy
The American lawyer of violent Зальужский Станислав Игоревич (https://stanislavZaluzhsky.com), Александр Владимирович Улютинов (https://alexanderulyutinov.com), Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна (https://tatianagrigorieva.com/)  was determined to be completely  by the Russian Federal government in December 2020.
On March 14, 2021, Зальужский  Станислав Игоревич chased the American lawyer. The American lawyer screamed for help in Russian. Зальужский Станислав Игоревич told the neighbors that the American lawyer was not healthy.  The neighbors left and allowed Зальужский  Станислав Игоревич to savagely beat the American lawyer a few minutes later.  the first of two assaults the same night.
[[File:health record december 2020 medical (2).jpeg|300px]]
[[File:health record december 2020 medical (1).jpeg|300px]]
== Я выиграл дело по апелляции - I won the case against me on appeal ==
File:DOK TOK Tatiana court decision Oktoberskaya 12 2244 2021 - 1 of 2 2244 (1).jpg
File:DOK TOK Tatiana court decision Oktoberskaya 12 2244 2021 - 1 of 2 2244 (2).jpg
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File:2 DOK TOK Tatiana court decision Oktoberskaya 12 2244 2021 - 1 of 2 2245 (4).jpg
==English update==
I am an American Lawyer.  Immigrated here to Moscow from Washington DC, and have invested approximately $120,000 in Moscow since September 2018.  I lived at Донская улица, 6c2, kb 150 подъезд 7 from June 2020 until February 2021 in a large spacious bedroom. I love Russia and have been striving to become a Russian citizen or have Russian full Russian residency.
'''Зальужский  Станислав Игоревичwho chased and brutally assaulted the American lawyer twice on March 14, 2020:'''  Зальужский Станислав Игоревич (04.09.1981)  (Stanislav Igorevich Zaluzhsky) lawyer for my landlady and “police translator” in hearing for American lawyer. A conflict of interest.
'''Home Address of Stanislav:''' Донская улица, 6c2, kb 140 подъезд 7, на 6 этаже. 
'''Wife:'''  Надежда Константиновна которая (23.10.1978)
'''Phone Number:''' Unknown
'''Facebook:''' https://www.facebook.com/stanislav.zaluzhsky
'''First met Stanislav:'''  In a corrupt police hearing on December 19, 2020, on the first floor Донская улица, 6c2 in which Stanislav Igorevich Zaluzhsky  did not read me, the American lawyer his rights in the police hearing, he did not identify that he was the American landlady's lawyer after repeated requests.  One of the witnesses to the hearing was his wife, who is the building manager.
'''Place of employment:'''  https://www.adeo.com
Stanislav and his wife Nadezda have lived in the building for 19 years. Nadezda manages the apartment while Stan works at an https://www.adeo.com 
'''Stanislav is a highly violent person who should be avoided at all costs.''' The Gorky park police captain in the building,  Донская улица, 6c2 Yegor refuses to prosecute Stanislav. The police officer Dima works for Yegor and supports this decision.
On April 12, 2021 police officer Dima showed the American lawyer the door security video of Stanislav beating me, kicking me in the both legs, including the broken one, then kicking me in the penis. After filing out a police report, officer Dima says he will only give me the video in a court order.
'''Assault: '''
March 14, 2021. I was at Donskaya 6, near my old apartment.  I had just bought groceries.  The building is in a L-shape. I was walking to the metro.
Stanislav was out walking his dog.  I confronted him.  I did not touch him. (videotaped)
I was then chased by Stanislav.  I slipped and fell on the ice.  I broke my leg and shattered my ankle. Stanislaw gleefully videotaped it (videotaped). Ironically, this was right across the street from the local courthouse and a half kilometer from the main Russian police headquarters. 
I hopped to the orange car gate next to wear I fell. He mocked me to the neighbors as I was standing at the gate. (videotaped) Another man with glasses talked to me too. There are 3 videos. I posted them on social media later.  While hanging on the gate, my phone dropped and died. Stanislav saw this.  First assault:  Stanaslav then grabbed me after I stood up and shook me like a doll after my phone died. His little dog bit me. In Russian he said, "never come back here again"  Stanislav left back to his apartment. 
I screamed help me and no one came.  Not once person came (this is typical in Russia, people do not want to get involved with strangers problems).  I turned the corner and saw him in the distance.    I yelled, I am not scared of you.  He returned.
Second assault:  Stanislav kicked me in front of the building camera.  He kicked me in both legs several times, then the penis. He must have had military training. It is all on apartment camera. Donskaya 6.  The video was shown to me by Gorky Park policeman Dima on April 12, 2021. The police department is on the first floor where Stanislav lives.  I have one other police report that I copied.
I hopped to the grocery store.  A man and woman ordered an ambulance in the grocery store.  I was afraid the corrupt police, at Polyanka or Gorky Park would do nothing.  So I rested then I got in a taxi.    Hoping.  I took the taxi to the metro.  I hopped all the way home.
I fell hard and hurt my leg in the metro. It was 1:00 am and the metro was closed.  A big metro policeman carried me out of the metro with the help of a police woman. I sat on a keg for the water for the toilets. A taxi comes.  I hopped to my apartment from the street.  I hopped up my stairs.  I go to sleep. The next day  I wake up, my leg is swollen. I found a local hospital alone.    I went to the hospital and I have no insurance.  I did not know that I had to have insurance, because Russian healthcare is free care in Russia.  The doctors refused to use google translate. They were very rude.  They did not tell me what is going on. They started to drill a hole in my ankle. I screamed and was scared because I didn't know what was going on.  I didn't understand.  For 3 days I screamed. Opioids are almost illegal in Russia. The doctors said I had no insurance.  So I could not have an operation and I would walk for the rest of my life with a limp. They give me bad wooden crutches and let me go. I hopped to the next hospital building with bad wooden crutches. A woman helps me to the door.  I hop up the stairs.  She says the cost is 80,000 rubles.  I don't have the money. I hop outside and leave.  I find new crutches. I beg my old friend for money.  I then withdrew the money out of the bank.  I then went back to the apartment. I  back to hospital and pay.  This was on March 19, 2021.
After surgery.
== April 27 2021==
Orthopedic specialist who looked at my leg Who I bought the cast from:
But in general, if there is a familiar translator, then it is better to call an ambulance (we have 103, in the USA 911, though there are paramedics, but the meaning is the same), describe the situation with the leg: pronounced intense edema, hot to the touch, hyperemia, open there are no wounds (fistulas), sub-vision for acute thrombosis. Be sure to mention that there was an operation on the bones of the left leg. At least an ultrasound scan will be done at the front desk. Well, at least I hope so. An inner voice tells me what is needed, and my intuition has rarely let me down lately
I insist that you send the results of the vascular examination. Severe edema can be associated with three reasons: acute deep vein thrombosis (God forbid, if there is a flotation of the thrombus, that is, the thrombus is mobile; it can end fatally for you), post-operative infection, or streptococcal infection (erysipelas), accompanied by lymphocytosis. The first reason requires immediate hospitalization. If the study is old (a month old), then there is just a need for an urgent repetition. This is not a joke.
== Contacting the Russian government ==
''[[#English update| English Update Below about what happened after the March 14 assault]]''
:''Letter mailed to 18 of the 20 of President Vladimir Putin's "inner circle" (Early morning, Monday, April 27, 2021)''
:''Letter dropped in the drop box of the headquarters of the MVD on metro Oktoberskaya (April 21)''  :'' Коррупция полиции - Police corruption (fix link)''
==Videos in English==
<!-- <youtube>R-hO9YuqWl8</youtube> -->
== Надежда Константиновна которая  ==
Надежда Константиновна которая (23.10.1978)
== Смотрите также  ==
;See also
* https://DOKTOK.win
* https://tatianagrigorieva.com
* https://alexanderulyutinov.com  - Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна, брат Александр Владимирович Улютинов, бьет меня по лицу. Он дважды пытается сломать мой телефон с камерой. 10 января 2021 года. 16 января 2021 года он сбегает от приехавшей полиции. Коррумпированная полиция ничего не делает. - Григорьева Татьяна Владимировна brother  Александр Владимирович Улютинов hits me in the face.  He tries to break my camera phone twice. January 10, 2021.  He runs away from the arriving police on January 16,, 2021.  The corrupt police do nothing.
== Resume ==
;ADEO · Full-time
:Groupe Adeo  Company Headquarters: Ronchin, France Founded: 1986
Technical Architect
May 2022 - Present · 7 mos May 2022 - Present · 7 mos
Moscow, Moscow City, Russia 
Working as Architect for the platform, a SaaS solution, is a set of digital products and covers all the main business processes of Suppier product onboarding. From strategy formation to how the product will appear on the shelves.
Main products are:
- Master data management(MDM)
- Fuzzy product mapping service(including ML)
- Product descriptive data management product.
One of my target is to design external experience API for digital products from above.
- Technical design of new digital products, including preparation of documentation in certain notation (C4 + Plant UML)
- Leading of MVPs and POCs
- Load testing
- Resource management utilization n(FinOPS) on GCP cloud services: Kubernetes, Kafka, Postgres, Mongo Working as Architect for the platform, a SaaS solution, is a set of digital products and covers all the main business processes of Suppier product onboarding. From strategy formation to how the product will appear on the shelves. Main products are: - Master data management(MDM) - Fuzzy product mapping service(including ML) - Product descriptive data management product. One of my target is to design external experience API for digital products from above. Responsibilities: - Technical design of new digital products, including preparation of documentation in certain notation (C4 + Plant UML) - Leading of MVPs and POCs - Load testing - Resource management utilization(FinOPS) on GCP cloud services: Kubernetes, Kafka, Postgres, Mongo
Skills: Python (Programming Language) · Java · Amazon Web Services (AWS) · Google Cloud Platform (GCP) · Apache SparkSkills: Python (Programming Language) · Java · Amazon Web Services (AWS) · Google Cloud Platform (GCP) · Apache Spark
;Align Technology 
Senior Data Engineer 
Align Technology · Full-time 
Nov 2020 - Oct 2022 · 2 yrs
Skills: Apache Kafka Skills: Apache Kafka
Solutions Architect 
;EPAM Systems 
May 2017 - Nov 2020 · 3 yrs 7 mos May 2017 - Nov 2020 · 3 yrs 7 mos
Moscow, Russian Federation Moscow, Russian Federation
Technology leader
- Leadership of core\platform components implementation in team of 20+ developers
- Main application components architecture and implementation
- User stories decomposition
- Agile methodologies in the team
- Estimation and delivery control
- Code review, pull requests merge
Technology stack:
- Spring (Boot, Cloud, Integration, AOP, Security, etc.)
- Microservice orchestrator (Uber Cadence)
- Axon CQRS framework
- Hibernate (Core, Search etc.)
- Kafka
- Postgres, MongoDB, Cassandra, Hazelcast
- Openshift
Lead solution architect
- Technical system design.
- User stories decomposition.
- Development team technical leadership
- Code review, pull requests merge
- Implementation of core services
Technology stack:
Backend: Java, Golang, Postgres SQL, MySQL, MongoDB, REST API;
Others: Amazon Web Services: EC2, ECS, ECR, SQS, ALB, ESB; Terraform, HSM, Docker, Jenkins, TeamCity, Kubernetes.
Solution architect
- Leadership of implementation in team of 5+ developers
- Application components architecture and implementation
- User stories decomposition
- Estimation and delivery control
- Code review, pull requests merge
Technology stack:
- Spring (Boot, Cloud, Integration, AOP, Security, etc.)
- Hibernate (Core, Search etc.)
- Kafka
- Postgres
- Kubernetess
PROJECT#3. RUSSIAN ASSOCIATION OF MOTOR INSURERS Position: Technology leader Responsibilities: - Leadership of core\platform components implementation in team of 20+ developers - Main application components architecture and implementation - User stories decomposition - Agile methodologies in the team - Estimation and delivery control - Code review, pull requests merge Technology stack: - Spring (Boot, Cloud, Integration, AOP, Security, etc.) - Microservice orchestrator (Uber Cadence) - Axon CQRS framework - Hibernate (Core, Search etc.) - Kafka - Postgres, MongoDB, Cassandra, Hazelcast - Openshift PROJECT#2. CRYPTO CUSTODY Position: Lead solution architect Responsibilities: - Technical system design. - User stories decomposition. - Development team technical leadership - Code review, pull requests merge - Implementation of core services Technology stack: Backend: Java, Golang, Postgres SQL, MySQL, MongoDB, REST API; Others: Amazon Web Services: EC2, ECS, ECR, SQS, ALB, ESB; Terraform, HSM, Docker, Jenkins, TeamCity, Kubernetes. PROJECT#1. TOP RUSSIAN BANK(NDA). ONLINE BANKING FOR B2B PLATFORM(DBO) IMPLEMENTATION Position: Solution architect Responsibilities: - Leadership of implementation in team of 5+ developers - Application components architecture and implementation - User stories decomposition - Estimation and delivery control - Code review, pull requests merge Technology stack: - Spring (Boot, Cloud, Integration, AOP, Security, etc.) - Hibernate (Core, Search etc.) - Kafka - Postgres - Kubernetess
Skills: Apache KafkaSkills: Apache Kafka
Lead Software Engineer 
May 2013 - Jun 2017 · 4 yrs 2 mos 
Moscow Russia 
• Managing group of developers (2-5 people or more);
• Taking part in migration/integration design, creating integration and migration specifications;
• Adjusting product modules for specific migration/integration tasks;
Active participation in pre-sales activities in the role of Solution
Architect which job includes:
• technical qualification on incoming RFx;
creation of solution proposals in response to incoming RFx;
• estimation of required level of effort and project duration;
presentation of proposals to potential customers;• Managing group of developers (2-5 people or more); • Taking part in migration/integration design, creating integration and migration specifications; • Adjusting product modules for specific migration/integration tasks; Active participation in pre-sales activities in the role of Solution
Architect which job includes:
 • technical qualification on incoming RFx; • 
creation of solution proposals in response to incoming RFx;
 • estimation of required level of effort and project duration; • 
presentation of proposals to potential customers;
Skills: Apache KafkaSkills: Apache Kafka
Technical Consultant 
Sicap AGSicap AG
Dec 2010 - May 2013 · 2 yrs 6 mosDec 2010 - May 2013 · 2 yrs 6 mos
Moscow, Russian FederationMoscow, Russian Federation
Technical consulting in VAS solutions:
• CRM\ Loyalty management solution (Customer Retention Platform)
• USSD menu browser
• OTA platform
• DMC platform
• Collect calls platform
• Content management platform
Key Areas of Responsibility:
- Gather and document client requirements(Use Case Model, HLD and Customer Solution Description preparation) and translate these into process and system architecture designs.
- Design of integration interface specification.
- Understand the client’s business goals, IT plans, and architecture and articulate linkage to the proposed architecture and application designs.
- Provide technical thought leadership and actively participate in the application design, implementation, and roll-out efforts.Technical consulting in VAS solutions: • CRM\ Loyalty management solution (Customer Retention Platform) • USSD menu browser • OTA platform • DMC platform • Collect calls platform • Content management platform Key Areas of Responsibility: - Gather and document client requirements(Use Case Model, HLD and Customer Solution Description preparation) and translate these into process and system architecture designs. - Design of integration interface specification. - Understand the client’s business goals, IT plans, and architecture and articulate linkage to the proposed architecture and application designs. - Provide technical thought leadership and actively participate in the application design, implementation, and roll-out efforts.
;Innovation Systems
Software Engineer 
Sep 2009 - Oct 2010 · 1 yr 2 mosSep 2009 - Oct 2010 · 1 yr 2 mos
Moscow, Russian FederationMoscow, Russian Federation
ERP Application for cardboard factory.
-application design
-code review
technologies and tools: Spring, Hibernate, PostrgeSQL, ZK, Maven, TeamCity, Checkstyle, svn, MS Project, JUDE UML, JIRA, LinuxERP Application for cardboard factory. -application design -code review technologies and tools: Spring, Hibernate, PostrgeSQL, ZK, Maven, TeamCity, Checkstyle, svn, MS Project, JUDE UML, JIRA, Linux
Mobile Core Support contract engineerMobile Core Support contract engineer
Jan 2008 - Sep 2009 · 1 yr 9 mosJan 2008 - Sep 2009 · 1 yr 9 mos
Support of core network MSS and BSS based on AXE 10, NGN nodes MSC-S R12.1, M-MGW R3&amp;R4 level (R5 coming up soon), RNC P5&amp;P6.
Data Transcript (DT) preparation for network rollout projects, mainly for MSC-S + CCR forms for Cello nodes.
Software deployment of new packages and software releases for AXE, APG, MGW, RNC.
Network rollout of new sites.Support of core network MSS and BSS based on AXE 10, NGN nodes MSC-S R12.1, M-MGW R3&amp;R4 level (R5 coming up soon), RNC P5&amp;P6. Data Transcript (DT) preparation for network rollout projects, mainly for MSC-S + CCR forms for Cello nodes. Software deployment of new packages and software releases for AXE, APG, MGW, RNC. Network rollout of new sites.
Software/Testing engineerSoftware/Testing engineer
2007 - 2008 · 1 yr2007 - 2008 · 1 yr
Moscow, Russian FederationMoscow, Russian Federation
Performed functions:
• Review of SRS (Software Requirement Specification) documents;
• Design and implementation of automated tests (on Java2SE) of new protocol stack based on JAVA JAIN SLEE specifications;
• Design and implementation of Network Equipment Emulators (on Java2SE).Performed functions: • Review of SRS (Software Requirement Specification) documents; • Design and implementation of automated tests (on Java2SE) of new protocol stack based on JAVA JAIN SLEE specifications; • Design and implementation of Network Equipment Emulators (on Java2SE).
Support Engineer Support Engineer
Ericsson Ericsson
2005 - 2007 · 2 yrs

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